U Let Me Know

It was a great consolation
U let me know
It was a great relief
U let me know
The train is moving on
The old passengers are getting off
And the new moving in
It is a great pleasure
To let u know.


The Truth of Life

When the sun sets
And the darkness prevails
The thieves are no more the thieves
The saints no more the saints
And the greats no more the greats
All the cloths of exposure are removed
Displaying the conspiring nakedness
When the sun sets
And the darkness pervades
No one remains the same.



Marriage is a bond
Which begins with love
And ends in war
is a certificate for procreation
Its always sweet at first
And sour at the end
It is the beginning of endless quarrel
And personality clash
No marriage is successful
It ends in sorrows
Dream of love without marriage
Sweet like honey, peaceful like meditation
Calm as an autumn breeze, refreshing like nature
Freedom of souls
And a gateway to infinite happiness.

Poems by: Samyog Aryal