Smoking is the inhalation of smoke of burning cigarettes, pipes, and cigars encased with tobacco. Tobacco consumption is increasing day by day so the death caused by it. However, tensed smokers feels relaxed and tension free after smoking, believing relieves stress even though smoking is injurious to health.
No one starts smoking to become addicted to nicotine, neither they wish to die soon. People initiate smoking as they are burdened with tensions and being frustrated with their life. Another reason people start smoking is because their family members smoke as well. They learn from their parents and elders, which later becomes physical addiction to tobacco products.
Tobacco smoke contains nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide as well as various toxic chemicals. Those who do not smoke are also affected when exposed to tobacco smoke by inhaling these toxic chemicals. Cigarettes deliver nicotine in high amount, which may lead to addiction of drugs such as heroin or cocaine. Smoking is one of the strongest addictions known to man. Once habituated to smoking, it becomes a lifetime health risks associated with addictions.
Smoking lift up the blood pressure, amplify fat levels in the blood, raise the heartbeat and blood circulation from heart. Nicotine addiction is stronger and lasts longer changing the structure and function of the brain. Initial effects are loss of concentration, increases nervousness and tension, changes sleep patterns, continuous headaches and coughs. Later stages include various diseases like heart attack and coronary disease. In addition, causes cancer of the lung, throat, mouth, bladder, kidney, pancreas, and stomach, and stomach ulcers are common.
These days women involved in smoking are increasing dramatically thinking it helps to keep their weight down. Smoking during pregnancy can affect the unborn child, and babies are more likely to be born underweight, untimely or stillborn. But what’s the fault of newly born children, being unhealthy only due blunder of parents. Both father and mother should be responsible for the case.
It’s not easy to quit smoking however remedial solution is to smoke fewer cigarettes, and slowly give them up completely. It’s not difficult to quit smoking but one should have strong desire to do so. It is better to reduce the quantity of cigarettes per day rather than quitting completely which may have negative effect. Physicians recommend drinking plenty of water and eating as much low-calorie foods and drinks. As a result, this may help relieving tension and restlessness. Most important factor is staying away from situations that prompt to smoke. So, why we not try to quit smoking and get rid of the leading preventable cause of death.
– Luckysurya